Secure Fields: a new type of integration

Datatrans Payment Solutions
Datatrans AG – Secure Fields: a new type of integration

An optimised checkout experience for your customers. Increased conversion rate for you, the merchants.

The new ‘Secure Fields’ integration from Datatrans offers merchants an alternative if they decide to display their own payment page.

The fields for entering credit card details can be integrated fully and seamlessly into the merchant’s checkout process, offering them maximum design freedom and process control. Only the card number and CVV field are loaded from Datatrans. All order data, including shopping basket, delivery address, GTC acceptance and credit card details are transferred to the order and payment process with the separate pay button.

The credit card details are transferred to Datatrans completely in the background and remain invisible to the customer. The actual payment is processed between servers via an XML API. The ‘secure fields’ integration complies fully with PCI SAQ-A. SAQ-A complies with the most basic PCI level for merchants in the form of a simple self-declaration.

How it works
Using iFrames ensures that the PCI-relevant values (card number and CVV code) are entered directly in the Datatrans infrastructure and therefore never reach the merchant’s platform. The merchant completes authorisation with a secure server-to-server query.

Structure and design
The card number and CVV fields can be integrated into the other form elements with a JavaScript API. That way, the purchaser will hardly notice that Datatrans is involved in the payment process.