End of year donations

Datatrans has been successful in the market for many years. Therefore, at the end of 2021, we will support three aid organisations, which were selected by our employees, with a donation.
Aiducation International, Buy Food with Plastic and VETO – Animal protection were chosen. All three organisations do outstanding work for the environment, people and animals in Europe and around the world.

Find out more about their projects here:
- www.aiducation.org
Aiducation International, a for impact organization awarding high school scholarships to bright and motivated young people in developing countries so that they can drive their countries forward. - www.buyfoodwithplastic.org
Buy Food with Plastic enables people worldwide to pay for food with plastic bottles. The plastic is upcycled to useful and beautiful products. - VETO – Animal protection / spendenmarathon-tiere
As an association of European animal welfare organisations, VETO effectively campaigns for animal welfare in Europe and regularly ensures the care of tens of thousands of street and shelter animals with unique fundraising campaigns.